
How to Use Rupee Symbol in Keyboard Windows 10

Rupee is a common currency used by many Asian countries. India is one of the prominent country using rupee as their currency symbol. Earlier days people simply type Indian rupee symbol as Rs. However, you can easily type the formal Indian rupee currency symbol ₹ using alt code keyboard shortcuts in Windows and Mac computers.

Keyboard Shortcuts Summary

Below is the shortcuts summary of Indian rupee symbol in Windows and Mac.

Symbol Name Indian Rupee Sign ₹
Alt Code (Windows) Alt + 8377
Alt + X (Word) 20B9 + Alt + X
Mac Shortcut Option + 20B9
HTML Entity Decimal ₹
HTML Entity Hexadecimal ₹
CSS Value \20B9;
JS Value \u20B9
Decimal 8377
Hexadecimal 20B9
Unicode Point U+20B9
Indian Rupee Symbol

Typing Indian Rupee in Windows

On Windows based documents like Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint, you can type Indian rupee symbol using alt code shortcuts.

  • Hold alt key and type 8377 using numeric keypad to make Indian rupee symbol like ₹.
  • If you don't have a numeric keypad, type 20B9 using normal number keys and then press alt + x keys. However, this method only works on Microsoft Word documents. You can copy and paste the symbol from Word to other documents.

Typing Indian Rupee in Mac

Similar to Windows, you can type rupee sign in Mac using alt or option key.

  • Press option key and then type 20B9 keys to make rupee symbol like ₹. In order to use this method, you should first change the keyboard input method to Unicode Hex Input method.
  • If you are not able to use Unicode input on Mac, then the easy way is to use emoji keyboard. Press, "Control + Command + Space" to open emoji keyboard or Character Viewer app. Search for "rupee" to find and insert rupee sign.
Indian Rupee Symbol in Mac
Indian Rupee Symbol in Mac

Typing Indian Rupee in Web Documents

Besides Windows and Mac, you can also insert Indian rupee symbol in HTML and other web documents.

  • Use the decimal escape entity code like &# 8377; or hexadecimal escape entity code like &#x 20B9; to insert the symbol.
  • On CSS and JavaScript documents, use the hexadecimal code in the format \20B9; and \u20B9 respectively.

Below are the code examples for HTML and CSS.

              <span>&#8377;</span> <span>&#x20B9;</span>            
              li:before { 	content:\20B9; 	font-family:Arial; }            

Indian Rupee Symbol Browser Display

Related Indian Rupee Symbols

As mentioned, people also use Rs to indicate Indian rupee sign. Rs is also a formal Unicode symbol with a assigned codepoint. In addition, few local Indian languages also have their own rupee symbol to indicate Indian rupee in their language.

Rupee Symbol Description Windows Mac
Rupee sign Alt + 8360 Option + 20A8
Tamil rupee sign Alt + 3065 Option + 0BF9
Gujarati rupee sign Alt + 2801 Option + 0AF1
Bengali rupee sign Alt + 2547 Option + 09F3

Remember, many countries in the world use Rupee as the name of their currency. India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives, Seychelles and Indonesia are some of the countries currently using Rupee as currency. Some countries like Burma formerly use Rupee and later changed to different currencies. Though the currency name is same, each of the country has completely different physical note and value. These currencies also have their unique written form which you can use in formal documents and emails. Sri Lanka uses their rupee sign as Rs with the the codepoint 20A8 or ௹ with the codepoint 0BF9.

How to Use Rupee Symbol in Keyboard Windows 10


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